Master Murphy is turning Mean and Making Me Miserable!!!

See, I assumed you would understand that Words without Knowledge don't work!
So my knowledge of Miss Mitchell being alive, ensures my correct
interpretation.  On the other hand, if you said you were going to a
Shakespeare festival, I would Know that the bard wasn't going to attend in

And then you really put the knife in, asking me where I learned English.
Oooooh, that hurts!
The truth is: from Beatles songs, the Flintstones (Wilma!  OPEN THE DOOOOR!)
and Bonanza.  Then I bought a dictionary and borrowed Graham Greene's "A Gun
for Sale" (because it was the thinnest English book in the library) and see
where it got me: public humiliation in front of potentially a worldwide
public by the Master, the Man I trusted...
Shuffling away forlornly,
Lieve no Longer Lovely.

        -----Original Message-----
        Sent:   Monday, February 10, 2003 5:34 PM
        Subject:        Re: Gluten free cooking - success! (and porridge)

        Lieve the Lexicon Lecturer writes:

        << Language, dear!  My choice of words was deliberate: I said I was

        going to see "an Ethel Merman show" which is not the same as "going
to see

        Ethel Merman" - SEE?  >>

        Hmm. If I said I was going to see a "Joni Mitchell show" would you
assume I 
        was seeing an imitator? Where did you learn to speak English,
        England? ;-)

        << Isn't that typical, you being more consistent in the degree of
wit of your

        bed partners than their gender! >> 

        Yes, Lieve, many of my bed partners have enjoyed hearty laughs! ;-(

        << Made me think, I guess not many of us are ever in that position,

        having an evening out with both our parentheses - and it could so

        turn out scary or claustrophobic! >> 

        Lieve, these two are so *evoled* they make the rest of us look like 
        rock-wielding Neanderthals. The first and last time I met Hannah's
        was about 5 years ago at the Seattle airport. (I was arriving as
they were 
        hurrying to catch a plane to New Zealand to spend a few months
        massage therapy to a Maori tribe.) Introducing us, Hannah turned to
        husband and said, "You've always said I'm a good lover. Well, here's
the man 
        who taught me everything I know!" While I blushed crimson, he shook
my hand 
        enthusiastically! (I love this story!) 


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