Smurphy wrote:  "But Lieve, Ethel is dead! Beware of shoddy
imitations (or imitators)! "

        Hihihi!  Bob, you've made me laugh so often, but this time I really
don't know if you're serious or not!  I may have lost my marbles, but I DO
know that Ethel has passed away - or rather, she is living in some people
near to us!  Oh right, DOH!, could they be the shoddy imitators you're
referring to - NOOO!! :-)

        Language, dear!  My choice of words was deliberate: I said I was
going to see "an Ethel Merman show" which is not the same as "going to see
Ethel Merman" - SEE?  It's actually called "Everything the Traffic Will
Allow" and stars a certain Klea Blackhurst whom I've never before heard of,
but I trust I'll hear a lot of her on Saturday and then I'll let you know!

        You also said: "Hannah also said something I thought was very funny.
She called her husband 
        and me her "parentheses." When I asked what she meant, she said,
"Well, Bob, 
        you were the first man I ever slept with and he'll be the last!" " 

        Yes, that's really good, almost something for a screen script.
Isn't that typical, you being more consistent in the degree of wit of your
bed partners than their gender! lol...
        Made me think, I guess not many of us are ever in that position,
having an evening out with both our parentheses - and it could so easily
turn out scary or claustrophobic!

        Moving on swiftly,


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