--- Kate Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> still, i believe that circumcision its a individual
> choice & it is not my
> place to say what is right or wrong for
> others...still, i would only to hope
> that parents would make their decision based on
> weighing the pros & cons (as
> in any medical procedure)...

All this talk about penises now...

For a while docs were telling parents that
circumcision was the way to go with baby boys so
people were doing it. I think it has gone in and out
of style, as it were, as far as whether it's medically
necessary or preventive medicine or whatever. Our
provincial health insurance covered it. Then maybe ten
years ago or so, the docs did an about-face and
decided it wasn't medically necessary at all, and our
health insurance delisted it. I'm not a guy, so what
do I know about this stuff? My son was circumcised
because his father thought he should be, and because
we understood it was better to do it and, if you're
going to do it, the younger the better (like when
you're a newborn?) After it was done, my little guy
was crying and crying and I went into the nursery and
I started crying too because he sounded so sad and
helpless and he had such a beautiful little face and
you didn't want to see it looking so sad. I said,
"Poor little thing" and this nurse muttered at me as
she walked by, "Well, you didn't have to do it, did
you?" Ironically, my son was born in a Jewish


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