>>I had my tonsils removed at age 8, I couldn't make that choice then
So what?<<

i had mine removed at around age 5...i recall it vividly...it was quite
traumatic for me for many reasons...however it think it was done because i
kept getting very sick each winter & it was felt that this was a good
solution...at least back then...

then when my son was even younger, i was advised for him to get his tonsils,
adnoids removed & tubes put in his ears...i at first resisted but finally
went with it as the reasons to do it outweighed the reasons not to...(a risk
of hearing loss was a big part of my reasoning to have the procedure)...

i think there is a big difference in doing some kind of surgery on a child
for medical reasons as opposed to just doing something because it is what
has always been done (custom)...

still, i believe that circumcision its a individual choice & it is not my
place to say what is right or wrong for others...still, i would only to hope
that parents would make their decision based on weighing the pros & cons (as
in any medical procedure)...

Kate Bennett: www.katebennett.com
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