Bob wrote:

"I would be hard-pressed to categorize every one of the 75 or so Woodstock's
I've heard, but I can honestly say that more imitate the MSC version than
the CSNY version. Using that criteria, it could be argued that the MSC cover
is more definitive than the CSNY cover..."

I have to confess I have no recollection of the MSC version of that song. I
recall the name of the group, but can't remember any of their music.

On a related Woodstock note: I dragged out my vinyl of LOTC (I don't have it
on CD) and listened to the original version of Woodstock again -- I hadn't
listened to the LOTC Joni rendition in a long time (years). And I was struck
by the fact that the song is not performed as some sort of hippie anthem at
all. (CSNY turned it into almost a march.) In fact, it has much of the same
mood that she uses on Traveloque, though orchestrated differently -- and
that spooky choir vocal at the end. Wow! So strange -- and hardly ends the
song on an '....and-we-all-lived-happily-ever-after-once-we-got-back-to-the-
garden' note.


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