"Bruce Kimerer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On a related Woodstock note: I dragged out my vinyl of LOTC (I don't
> have it
> on CD) and listened to the original version of Woodstock again -- I hadn't
> listened to the LOTC Joni rendition in a long time (years). And I was
> struck
> by the fact that the song is not performed as some sort of hippie anthem
> all. (CSNY turned it into almost a march.) In fact, it has much of the
> mood that she uses on Traveloque, though orchestrated differently -- and
> that spooky choir vocal at the end. Wow! So strange -- and hardly ends  >
> song on an '....and-we-all-lived-happily-ever-after-once-we-got-back-to- >
> garden' note.

At first I thought 'Woodstock' sounded a bit cliche. Joni's LOTC version is
the first one I heard. I have since heard a few covers. I really dislike the
MSC and CSN&Y versions. Those really do sum up the hippie generation and
sound rather dated. Sure the lyrics have alot of hippie stuff about them but
there are alot of universal messges in the song which Joni put across much
better than anyone else can. The LOTC and TLOG versions are very powerful
and the MOI version rocks. Still find the SAL vers dull though.

I'm not a big fan of Eva Cassidy but she has done the best guitar version I
have heard.

"We are Star dust
We are golden"


NP: 42nd Street Psyco Blues by Janis Ian

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