
        >>>>This is from an open email to the peace movement written by
Kashi, the 19-year-old Iraqi student living in the UK.

        >>>>numerous examples of saddams policies.

please dont confuse the two issues. anti war is most definitely not pro
saddam. tho somepeople are trying extremely hard to make it that way.

i dont think that anyone has too much doubt that saddam is a dictator. even
south park figured that out. the really sad point is that hes probably not
the worst dictator in the world today. i also find some of the statistics
there quite hard to swallow, and prepared on an emotional, gut reaction
level. (i dunno - maybe its the only way to accurately present it) anyhow -
why should iraq be "liberated" (and probably find themselves worse off) and
not all the other countries in the world today??

experience in africa has shown that many politicians who opposed
regimes/dictatorhips are even worse than their predecessors. the fact that
they stand against tyranny doesnt necessarily make someone a good person, it
may just indicate that he has recognised a platform he can use for political

who appointed bush sheriff of the free world. there are even serious
questions as to how he won the election himself.

i have to agree with madiba. bush has no foresight, and the route he is
taking will plunge the world into chaos. some muslims in this country have
taken an agressive stance as to their reaction in the event of war, and
indicated their intention to come out fighting, and label the war as a
religious war.

so there we go. back to the crusades again.


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