There's a scary article here about Iraq-al Qaeda links

The author says: "The real danger Americans face today is not from Iraq's existing biochemical-weapons cache, but from Saddam's transfer of recipe books and formulas to al Qaeda, and access to the scientists who teach from them, for developing weapons of mass murder on site at its terrorist hideouts around the world. And not just now, but for decades to come."

This is the kind of deniability Saddam practises - hand over the recipes, let others bake the cake.

Kakki, you made a good point about the lawsuits. I hadn't even thought of that. And about the need to protect sources, meaning the administration is fighting the PR war with one hand tied behind its back.


At 9:40 PM -0800 02/19/2003, kakki wrote:
I can see that perhaps a lot of people are now trying to cover up for the CIA. . . the first one that comes to my mind is the lawsuits that would be filed by the victims of 9/11 and the defendants named would likely go all the way to the top going back 10 years . . . If the US has secret agents placed in Iraq feeding the data of where the weapons are really hidden or reports of cooperation between Saddam and al-Qaida, they are going to know right away where their leak is. Those agents will be eliminated and so will any further reports from them.

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