I wonder if this person would favor bombing Iraq if (s)he were
still there instead of cheerleading from the safety of the UK?
I understand people of means in Iraq are arranging rural escapes
in anticipation of the coming war.
Most others have no such options.


> This is from an open email to the peace movement written by Rania
> Kashi, the 19-year-old Iraqi student living in the UK. It was quoted
> by Tony Blair in his speech yesterday.  The entire email can be read
> at
> http://www.opendemocracy.net/debates/article.jsp?id=2&debateId=88&articleId=983


> Fred, not sure what you mean by Blair having to follow the line of
> other European countries.  I believe eighteen countries in Europe
> support the war. Six oppose it.  Three are neutral.

Sarah, what is your source for this information? France gave a
speech against war in the UN and was applauded, which is unheard
of in the UN.

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