Colin, you said the flavour changed after September 11. I did an archive search and saw that just before September 11, the list was in uproar because someone received what they took to be a rude private email from a jmdl-er. This person posted it to the list, and people took sides and started sending each other offensive emails. The argument even went on through September 11 and beyond (which I find incredible) with the person perceived to have been rude being kicked off the list, and even his friends being attacked for being his friends. So this kind of thing precedes September 11 unfortunately.

Sarah-there is so much more to the 'uproar' you read only a small bit of. The situation you speak of was much more serious than that. It is not a good idea to bring it up again especially when one does not undertsand what went on. people do not get thrown off for being rude. if that was the case, many of us would not be here! Many of us have been rude, either deliberately or inadvertantly. As far as I know, only three people have been asked to leave. One is back. One because they had a problem and posted unintelligble posts and is not back. The other for stuff I am sure none of us want brought up again.

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