Since you asked Les, I'll give my opinion.

I've been on the list 5 yrs now and I've seen some changes, but nothing 
I first joined because of JM.Com.  Wally B. had announced "the writers" 
contest, and you had to be a member of the JMDL to enter.  Someone brought 
that up the other day, and I think it's a great idea (as I've mentioned 
almost every year). Anyway, Joni was going to be releasing TTT, then she was 
touring, then BSN and more touring. As we all know, Joni isn't doing very 
much lately, so it's difficult to discuss new subjects about her. It's been 
over 3 months since anything has been posted on JoniMitchell.Com. I enjoy 
talking about Joni, but I for one, get bored discussing what she meant by a 
particular lyric when it's been discussed over and over.
That's why I like the NJC so much. The only thing that bothers me is all of 
the political/war discussions. There seems to be about 8 or 9 people who are 
consumed with these debates, but it's important to them. I use the delete 
key.  I like when people post about new or even old artists.  I like when 
people talk about their lives, their pets, their children, their encounters, 
and yes even circumcision. They may be banal posts to some, but they are 
light and usually quite amusing. I love it when everyone wishes someone a 
happy birthday, and they post it to the list.  People feel special for that 
one day when they see that others have wished them a HB publicly.  The same 
when a lister's loved one dies.  When I see these public posts of sympathy, 
it makes me feel like I'm part of a loving and caring community. 

Like Colin said," Life ebbs and flows and the JMDL does too. I truly believe 
if left well 
alone, as it always been, it will flow again"  You can look at the archives, 
and you'll see all of the political threads from the 2000 U.S Presidential 
election.  People were sick of reading them, but those who posted were going 
by the rules. I just deleted them.  I still do, and it's no big deal for me.  

I still think you do a great job Les, and just by your post alone, I think 
the list will thrive.

Thanks Les, you rock!

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