<<<That's why I like the NJC so much. The only thing that bothers me is all of 
the political/war discussions. There seems to be about 8 or 9 people who are 
consumed with these debates, but it's important to them. I use the delete 
key. I like when people post about new or even old artists. I like when 
people talk about their lives, their pets, their children, their encounters, 
and yes even circumcision. They may be banal posts to some, but they are 
light and usually quite amusing. I love it when everyone wishes someone a 
happy birthday, and they post it to the list. People feel special for that 
one day when they see that others have wished them a HB publicly. The same 
when a lister's loved one dies. When I see these public posts of sympathy, 
it makes me feel like I'm part of a loving and caring community. >>>

Jimmy, I love what you said so Im picking up some of the threads of your words in 
agreement and support. So many have offered up wonderful thoughts and ideas.... so 
here is some of what I feel .... 

Just like you, I love the NJC part of the list which I was a part of for the three 
years, jumping over to Joni only in the most recent weeks. More on that later. 

Why do I love being here? A myriad of reasons. Ive learned so much .. not only about 
Joni herself, Ive lived into what it means to be a part of a real community comprised 
of intelligent, funny, warm, sexy, sassy, sweet people from all over the world.

 Ive made life long friends. Ive found the love of my life...and trust me when I say, 
I did not come looking for that when I joined in the chorus of all things Joni. There 
is something to be said for being at the right place at the right time though. ;-)

I sit back and listen to the voices on this list and this is part of what Ive heard 
and seen. Ive seen the baring of souls , expressions of love, demonstrations of 
courage, passion, compassion, fire, fireworks, heat, humility, humour, caring and 
sharing of personal lives ... I love that Ive been stretched in ways that have made me 
sit up and think and think some more.  

within our community you can find the most generous, loving, caring people on our 

 I have grown along with this community and have gained so much by being here. Much, 
much more than I ever dreamed possible.  

When the trickles of political posts turned into streams and then rivers and then 
tempests,  I decided that instead of drowning, I had to take a rest. For me. Nothing 
personal, I needed a break. 

I respect the fact that some people need to 'talk politics' here, with a view to 
sharing their ideas and opinions with people they have come to know and respect. (who 
am I to say what should or should not be discussed when my feelings and experiences 
have come to light on more than one occasion).

 I dont believe that we need censorship..I do believe that a little self moderation is 
a good idea. If you feel so passionate about a discussion and it ends up rising up 
between one or two or three people..then as someone suggested, how about taking it off 

 I even wrote to some people off list that I was going to try Joni only because I 
didnt want to miss out on something important within the scope of the NJC list which I 
was  no longer getting..I didnt want to make a big deal out of that.. and I certainly 
dont like being the centre of attention..Id much rather do things in 'a silent way'. 
And sometimes I cant be silent. And sometimes Ive learned that I need to just sit 
still and breathe and wait out the rising of adrenalin that has in the past made me 
vent a little this or that when I probably should have held off. 

again, what I see in your writing, all of you, is passion and caring and so much more. 
I understand. I do. When you feel so strongly, so moved, and even angry, sometimes you 
cannot help but share it with the people you have grown to love and trust. 

there are as many reasons as to why people are 'here' as there are members. The love 
and caring and friendships and every kind of relationship under the sun can be found 
here and they are real. 

how many places in your life do you have a sense of community? think about it? this IS 
the best internet list because WE... all of us.. you , me .. every single one of us 
has had something to do with that. 

yes things have changed... as they say, that's the one of the things we can count on 
in this life... change. Change is a good thing, change means flexibility, fluidity. 

I dont have the answer(s) as to how to 'fix' the list. I think it is wonderful that 
many have stepped forward to express how much the list means to them. I know that some 
of us have made this space a part of our lives. Nothing wrong with that. Had I not 
been here in the first place....hell, Id still be in Canada ;-) 

seriously... Ive met the most wonderful friends who I consider my family.  

I extend my compassion to all of you who are struggling with the state of the world 
today. These are troubled times indeed. So sad. And yet, I continue to shine my light 
across this world and send out deep feelings of peace and hope that this may make a 
difference in some small way. 

in closing, I will offer up two songs that played over and over in my head as I was 
trying to figure out what to say in response to Les' question

1. try a little tenderness


2. show a little r-e-s-p-e-c-t

sending you all tonnes of love and hope for peace on the inside as well as on the 




You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
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