See, "Talk to Me" is one of the few Joni songs where I totally can relate. Can't relate to "Case of You", or "River" or "edith and the kingpin" or "Lakota"... (i am serious about the first two)
BUt, really, I can see why you would strongly dislike it and I agree. I only like this song because I can see myself as this sort of helpess soul begging for any crumb of attention. I suppose as I have matured and become more sure of myself, I have stopped sittting around craving a guy coming up to me, but inturn started thinking of ways to approach him!!

The line of this one song of Joni's which is a cover anyways, so I guess it doesnt count that i thought was really corny (pun intended) is when she sings in "How do you Stop" "How do you stop the ripening corn?" And Turbulent Indigo was my first Joni album, I recall thinking, I like this cd alot, except for the "corn" line. I still get a giggle out of that.


That's the one song of Joni's that I HATE, absolutely cannot tolerate listening to. My head knows and appreciates that there's humor in it, but emotionally I don't feel it. I HATE the way Joni's begging for something from such a withholding guy. Her frustration and self-insults in that song strike too close to home for me, and every time I listen to it I just want to shake Joni and tell her not to waste her time on such a cold guy. Anyone that stingy doesn't deserve Joni, or anyone to care about him from my point of view. It's been years since I've heard that song... it must bring up issues... apparently still unresolved ones...

Debra Shea

NP: Richard Thompson's live When the Spell is Broken... now there's a
generous fellow!

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