
I was a bit confused how to read the linked column in the relation 
editor. So I thought having a look at the source would help to clarify 
things a bit.

It got me even more confused ;)

4       public enum WayConnectionType {
7           head_to_head("-><-"),
8           tail_to_tail("->->"),
9           head_to_tail("<-<-"),
10          tail_to_head ("<-->");

I first thought each way is represented by a small two character arrow, 
indicating the direction the two ways link (the one in the line with the 
symbol being the first way, next line the second way) together.

That explanation would work fine with head_to_head and head_to_tail.
The other two look like being swapped.

Is this a bug, the symbol representation of tail_to_tail and 
tail_to_head need to be exchanged?

Or is there a deeper meaning? Please enlighten me. It's like this for 
already three months. Could such an obvious bug hide that long?


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