On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 11:18:27PM +0200, Stephan Knauss wrote:
> I still think the symbols and the names do not fit. My suggestion is to 
> patch it to look like this:
> 7         head_to_head("-><-"),
> 8         tail_to_tail("<-->"),
> 9         head_to_tail("->->"),
> 10        tail_to_head("<-<-");
> A line in the editor having that symbol "->->" would then show a way 
> connected to the next way (line below), the direction of the way 
> pointing in direction of the next way.

What about replacing the ASCII art with real Unicode arrows (U+2190
LEFTWARDS ARROW ← and U+2192 RIGHTWARDS ARROW →)?  Java uses Unicode
natively, but some very old font might lack the glyphs.  That might
be the case for some of the triangles in the U+25B6 to U+25C5 range.
Those could be more readable than the arrows, e.g., ▶◀ or ▻◅.


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