On Tue, 13 Oct 2009 09:20:13 +0300, Marko Mäkelä <marko.mak...@iki.fi>  
> On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 11:18:27PM +0200, Stephan Knauss wrote:
>> I still think the symbols and the names do not fit. My suggestion is to
>> patch it to look like this:
>> 7        head_to_head("-><-"),
>> 8        tail_to_tail("<-->"),
>> 9        head_to_tail("->->"),
>> 10       tail_to_head("<-<-");
>> A line in the editor having that symbol "->->" would then show a way
>> connected to the next way (line below), the direction of the way
>> pointing in direction of the next way.
> What about replacing the ASCII art with real Unicode arrows (U+2190
> LEFTWARDS ARROW ← and U+2192 RIGHTWARDS ARROW →)?  Java uses Unicode
> natively, but some very old font might lack the glyphs.  That might
> be the case for some of the triangles in the U+25B6 to U+25C5 range.
> Those could be more readable than the arrows, e.g., ▶◀ or ▻◅.

I think also the previous way should be showed, as now it could be  
confusing which of the two is the member.

Also, in route relations there are forward and backward roles. If the ways  
is connected, but in "wrong" way, it should be shown somehow, maybe with  
an empty triangle vs. a solid one for the "correct" roles.

Teemu Koskinen

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