Dirk Stöcker wrote:
>> Or is there a deeper meaning? Please enlighten me. It's like this for
>> already three months. Could such an obvious bug hide that long?
> Why not :-) Would you feel artist enough to draw four little images 
> instead of these texts?

So it is no bug? I would be happy with the symbols as they are now. The 
point is, for example this enum entry:
tail_to_head ("<-->")

Should it really symbolize a relation tail to head? I would have guessed 
it symbolizes "tail_to_tail", because the one side of the arrow ("->") 
could be seen as a head (">"), the other side as tail ("-").

When compared to head_to_tail ("<-<-"), where the head of one relation 
connects to the tail of another, I thought a tail_to_head would look 
more like "->->".
But that symbol should be a tail_to_tail, according to the enum.

Quite confusing, isn't it?

I still think the symbols and the names do not fit. My suggestion is to 
patch it to look like this:

7           head_to_head("-><-"),
8           tail_to_tail("<-->"),
9           head_to_tail("->->"),
10          tail_to_head("<-<-");

A line in the editor having that symbol "->->" would then show a way 
connected to the next way (line below), the direction of the way 
pointing in direction of the next way.


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