Hallo Martin,

That is the solution. Wonderful how the signs even scale, as one would
expect with svg. It will take a good while before I'll have managed to come
up with such svg as text for all the signs.

I'm looking at the xml source code of some of those SVG's, but I can't even
find the word circle in there.



2015-02-18 9:07 GMT+01:00 Martin Vonwald <imagic....@gmail.com>:

> Hi!
> 2015-02-17 20:58 GMT+01:00 Jo <winfi...@gmail.com>:
>> It seems like I've started to do something which is impossible. Can't move
>> the png icons giving them an offset
> There is a solution for this, but you probably don't want to know it:
> using JOSM and the style Lane and Road attributes open the area around
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/47.94917/16.26273. (Note: a previous
> change in JOSMs standard style just broke the rendering, so its best to
> deactivate the standard to view it properly)
> You will find a node tagged with traffic_sign=maxspeed;overtaking and the
> appropriate rendering with two signposts on top of each other.
> This is done via embedded svg-images, which are created on-the-fly
> depending on the given tags. If you want to have a look at the specific
> code, search for "node|z16-[traffic_sign]". The variable "traffic_sign_svg"
> contains the svg image and "traffic_sign_top" the top of the next
> to-be-added signpost (and after processing all tags it is equal to the
> height of the overall image).
> Best regards,
> Martin
> P.S: Anybody know how to disable the new default traffic sign rendering of
> JOSM from within a style?
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