Last part of Manipur sharing.......

Manipur is a place for Militants too. Linson and Smitha spent their
committment days at Imphal, Manipur. The main militant groups are UNLF &
PLA. These militants ruled over the people and even parish. They mainly
belong to the Hindu group and in outward they are not against the christian
community. But inside they are nursing a grudge against christians. Its
funny that militants even doubt that our fulltimers belong to any CID group!
These militants through their violence always makes natives life horrible.

Linson and Smitha went to Kollian village to spread the Good News. Do you
know Kollian is a part of India never celebrate August 15 as Independence
day - Militants always announced this day as "Bandh" These militants groups
celebrates August 14th as Independence day, but for Christians August 15 is
very important because its the day of "Our Lady's Assumption" These
militants even not allowed christians to offer Holy Mass on that day.
Yes after 54 years of Independence where Indians' got freedom????
Still in Chains...... chains of religion, caste, lingustic, colour,
race, regionalism .............

PLA leader killed in a bomb blast in september 15th, so the militants asked
the parishers to disperse from the church as Holy Mass was not to be
conducted, then a young boy who escaped from the eyes of militants entered
the church , that boy later was caught & before that whole parishers he was
beaten and his legs were severly fractured. Everybody got scared.

To show protest against this Convent schools were closed for few days. One
night after supper our fulltimers were talking with natives, were arrested
by militants. Linson was telling in that horrible moment too.... he was
experiencing some peace.."when everything seems bad, still God is
good" these lines give him some peace of mind!
He was taken to wards convent & finding Linson with militants sisters
opened the door & assured to open the school with in few  days!
He released after 1/2 hrs. drama.

Yes it was  the real moment Linson experienced this scripture :
" Yea though I walk through the vally of the shadow of death I will fear no
evil, for YOU are with me,your rod and your staff will comfort me....."
Psalm 23/4

In Morai village Smitha worked as a teacher, she was a special teacher who
visit all her pupils house. A teacher who know personally each kid and their
problems, she healped the parishers in sunday services.
Linson and Smitha together conducted House visitings and in their prayer
services many got healed! They can't even beleive their eyes when a
man came towards them and said he got healed in their previous prayer
service( 3 months before) from Cancer! Yes doctor certified!!!!!!!!!

Yes Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and for ever! (Hebrews 13:8)

All our Fulltimers' wittnessed Christ so strongly in Manipur & from there 2
youths are ready to take Fulltime Committment for Lord & for his flocks.

What more we need from these fulltimers??

Its the exact time to look around, today's society needs HIM most.
Yes "Alive in Spirit" is too important!!!!

Praise God!


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