Yes last Sharing of "9th batch - final gathering", but not least.......
Julie, from thrissur & Jaison from Cochin spent their committment days at

Bangalore the garden city of India. City of fashions, city of modern life.
Yes a place with cool and pleasent climate. A place belonging to the
computer era, that keeps every one busy.
In a word - Bangalore is - "posh and beautiful!"

Here Julie & Jaison agree that their role was limited. They mainly
concentrated on campuses. There they were able to conduct some programmes
for youth, especially in "Christ college" Talking about Banglorians, most of
the colleges have their own prayer groups. It was our fulltimers duty to add
little more spiritual strength to all that groups.

The another area that they concentrated was "Personal caring"  Yes personal
caring was something which was lacking in that big city. They tried to build
up many youths through their personal contact. They can point out many
youth, who are disciples of Christ now just because of their nourishment.
There every campus had a campus team, but they worked to built up a
supporting team for each campus, These supporting team include all main
Bangalore leaders! The master brain for this was our Julie and Jaison!

In parish they conducted intercessory prayers regularly. Julie was there in
Bangalore when a retreat was being  conducted for JY leaders after that they
formed a prayer group where Julie also become member. They both were telling
they did very less to Bangalorians....
But  Jesus is telling " What small thing you did , you did it for me, & I will
reward you. "

Praise God!

Dear friends,
Thank you for all your encouragement for this "9th batch - final gathering"
I am giving gratitude to those who ask me to write about this, who gave me a
chance to hear final gatherings sharing at Kuttikkanam, Especially my sincere
thanks to our dear Chackochen Njavallil.

Please keep 10 batch Fulltimer's in your valuable prayers, they are taking
their committment on July 8th.


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