Giby & all
Thanks for u r mail.
but I didn't understand where I told the "other soul"  means
'non - christian.' Where I judged other religion?
In my sharing  (9th batch - final gathering)Sini got a chance to introduce
Jesus to a Hindu girl.
If we are in christ, its our duty to save other person too... he may be from
other religion or from our same.

When I was working at Alwaye,I had an experience... Alwaye is little away
from Cochin. Usually it take 50 -60 minitues journey from my own place.
I counted that journey was real blessing , because in bus always I recited
as many roseries as I can.And  most of the time I  ignored  the person who
is next to me.

One day in bus as usual I was reciting rosery, a lday who sit beside me
asked " Are you praying??"  Giving a one ward answer, I concentrated again
in Chaplet. Then she asked "Can you pray for me??"
This time a big 'Yes' come out from me.
Thinks that assurance made her to open little about her, she shared some
of her family problems to me. All the time I was a passive listoner.
Finally I just told "Leave all your worries with HIM he cares for you "
1Peter 5/7.

My dear friends when the time she got down from the bus,she was telling "Now
I feel some peace....God cares for us, isn't?? Thank you for your prayers"
But the interesting part is that I was a passive listener and with out the
above word of God I didn't speak anything to her. Thinks God want to shower
some 'peace' in her & I was an instrument.
Yes in our conversation we didn't speak anything about religion or I didn't
tried to impose any of my belief on her.....
But God worked.... from her face I identified it!

Yes...................We are asked to spread the kingdom of God...Peace,
love, joy......

How meaningful these lyrics are...
People knocking at my door
Strangers seeking love and care
Never let me turn them down
Teach gently how to share...........

The Lord himself asked us to "  Go through out the whole world and preach
the gospel to all mankind.... Mk16:15.


----- Original Message -----
From: Giby james <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2001 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] 9th batch - final gathering

> hi all,
> This I am writing in response to a posting by Priya
> from Cochin. She has given a really detailed account
> of how Sini saved 'others souls'. Here that other soul
> means a non christian girl. I am sorry that people on
> this group find non christians as some kind of lesser
> mortals. I personally don`t think that is a very
> helathy attitude. That person might have joined
> chritianity but please... don`t make it look like we
> saved her from some kind trouble. I  think we have no
> right to judge any other relegion. We belive in ours
> they belive in theirs. My understanding is that all
> religions are different roads to the same destination.
> So let`s all understand and appreciate that first.
> To love thy neightbour is religion a criterion ?

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