On Dec 15, 11:21 am, John Resig <jere...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hmm, I don't remember the bug off-hand but here's the reproduction:
> Failing:http://ejohn.org/files/bugs/selected/
> Passing:http://ejohn.org/files/bugs/selected/fixed.html

Ah, I see. The description in the source is misleading.

Note that this only happens before the page is done loading (if you
fire the check in window.onload it works fine). Also, an <option> may
exist in an <optgroup> element, so simply accessing
parentNode.selectedIndex isn't sufficient. How about this:

// In Safari, if no option is explicitly selected and the first
// option gets selected by default, this option will report
// selected==false _while the page is still loading_. Accessing the
// containing select element causes the option to set its
// selected state correctly. Since options may be nested in
// <optgroup> elements, access two levels up just to be safe.
// Simply accessing the .selectedIndex property even if it doesn't
// exist shouldn't cause a problem in any browsers.
// http://ejohn.org/files/bugs/selected/
if ( name == "selected" && elem.parentNode ) {
        if (elem.parentNode.parentNode)
{ elem.parentNode.parentNode.selectedIndex; }

> >        var attr = elem.getAttribute(name,2);
> Unfortunately that's not the case - I know that in older versions of
> Opera if you tried to use the , 2 it would straight out crash the
> browser - which is why we had to do the extra check. It's silly, of
> course, since the extra argument shouldn't do anything.

Never seen that problem, and I'm too lazy to look for it. I'll trust
you on that one. May want to add a note to that effect in the source.
Explanatory documentation is valuable.

Matt Kruse


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