
A couple of things...

I am just thinking out loud here.
Is there a way to setup up your
blog in such a way that, if one of us posts a blog entry in our blogs
(maybe in a category named jquery) and express interest in including
that in
learningjquery.com, then it gets added to ur blog.
I am probably talking about a
"planet" kinda setup i guess. I don' think it is a bad idea to go that
route as well.
Ofcourse, authors willing to contribute directly on your blog may also
be a plus.

Don't get me wrong here, frankly, the
documentation/demo/interesting-use-cases effort is more than a series of
blog posts in my personal opinion (i am allowed to have one right? ;-) ). It
should be organized a little differently.
So, even if all of us post on learningjquery.com, i would still say that we
need an organized site (visualjquery.com maybe) that can do more that what
it does today.

Just my .02

On 8/2/07, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 2, 2007, at 2:42 PM, Ganeshji Marwaha wrote:
> Hi list,
> I have been thinking about a how-to/demo/interesting-use-cases kinda site
> for jquery lately.
> But, it is not a trivial effort if we want to get it to a state where it
> will be something jquery community can be proud of. So, i guess it should be
> more of a community effort with a group of people leading the pack.
> So, if someone, like one of the leading plugin authors start such an
> effort i will be more than willing to spend my nights and weekends on such
> an effort.
> Hey everyone, please don't forget learningjquery.com!  As most of you
> know, I've been quite busy the past 7 months or so writing books, but I'm
> hoping to get back into the swing of things after I nail down the clueTip
> plugin. Still, there is only so much one person can do. I've extended an
> invitation for others to contribute before, and Brandon Aaron has written a
> few excellent posts already, but maybe sufficient time has gone by for me to
> send out a plea for help again.
> If anyone would like to write an entry/article/quick tip for
> learningjquery.com, please let me know. I'd be happy to set you up with an
> account and let you have at it.
> If you all want to do your own thing, that's totally cool, but I think
> there is something to be said for having a few centralized places for people
> to visit for this sort of thing.
> By the way, I just checked my FeedBurner stats, and it reports that
> learninjquery.com has over 1,000 subscribers to its feed (and rising). So,
> that means lots of attention for your entries. :-)
> Cheers,
> --Karl
> _________________
> Karl Swedberg
> www.englishrules.com
> www.learningjquery.com

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