And a little update, as it seems to work great now (tested in IE6, IE7
and FF2):
I'm not totally satisfied yet, because:
- I'm using + 1 in my calculations to include border/margin/padding
stuff in the width() and height() results;
- There's some strange right-border redrawing going on, which I can't
- As you may have noticed, there appear little arrows when a menu has a
submenu. However, they disappear when one 'mouseover's the menuitem.
Any suggestions / opinions / whatever?
Maybe Joel can include something like this in the next release of
Superfish. Feel free to use it!


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Jesse Klaasse
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2008 4:25 PM
Subject: [jQuery] Superfish feature request
Importance: Low

I am thoroughly enjoying the Superfish menu.. However, I would love to
see the following option: when a submenu falls outside of the window,
it's position should be adapted in order to fit. Just like most
operating systems handle menus when they don't fit.. Would this be
possible? It could be called something like 'forceFit' or so.. Thanks in
(The simplest approach would probably be to check if a <ul>'s offset
left plus it's width exceeds the window width, and adjust x position
accordingly.. Likewise, this could be done for the vertical position)

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