Hi Jesse,

I have been working on separating out the code you provided into it's
own plugin  (kind of sillily named "Supposition", I really hate the
name now so please feel free to suggest something better) so that it
can be optionally added to a Superfish menu if the user desires,
leaving the original code more or less untouched (and easier for me to

I also resolved a few other issues such as a so-so workaround for the
text jog issue, etc. and I also found that $(window).height() wasn't
working on pages with more content than you had on your demo page, so
I added in a snippet from the Dimensions plugin to get a correct
viewport value.

The main issue now (in addition to the z-index issues) is that the
offset value for the vertical position of the submenus does not take
into account the scroll position of the document. You can see on my
main demo page that the menu appears way down the page, so when you
hover the menu the submenus appear way up the page, usually outside
the viewport completely unless you have the browser window maximised
and are running a high screen resolution. I'm hoping that you
understand how to fix this as I am lost when it comes to this type of

Below is a link to my demo page with an extensive rant/explanation of
where we are currently at with this idea. At the bottom of that page
there is also a link to a zip file containing all the files for my
demo so you can have an experiment yourself if you feel up to it. Any
and all feedback is gladly received.


Joel Birch.

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