Hi Karl,

You've come through with the goods again, I really appreciate you
taking the time to help with this - especially after attempting to do
it myself! I found that no amount of coffee seemed to help, which is

Regarding the z-index issue, I found that the code in onInit has no
useful effect (at least in Firefox, which is all I have tested this
plugin-plugin in). I commented that code out and attempted to get the
z-index stuff right just by changing the code in the menu's CSS file.
I even tried adding suitable z-indexes to every element in the menu
and making sure that each one was positioned in some way other than
'static'. Nothing I came up with worked which was surprising and a bit
disheartening. I'm sensing some sort of
absolute-positioning-with-z-index shortcoming that I don't know the
details of.

I'm thinking that if it can't be done with pure CSS then it probably
can't be done via JS that merely adds inline z-indexes which seems to
be the aim of Jesse's original code. I might have to let this slosh
around in my head for a while and hope something crystallises. There's
no rush to complete this as far as I know. Karl, please don't feel
like I'm expecting further input from you - I know you are a busy man
and this is really just a frivolous-hobby-type project.

Test files have been updated.


Joel Birch.

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