Hey Joel,

I think I have this sorted out. Sorry I couldn't get back to it until this evening. Work was pretty busy today. Here is the onBeforeShow function:

                        onBeforeShow = function(){
                                        var $u = $(this);
                                        var menuWidth = $u.width(),
                                                parentWidth = 
                                                totalRight = $w.width() + 
                                                menuRight = $u.offset().left + 
                                        if (menuRight > totalRight) {
$u.css('margin-left', ($u.parents('ul').length == 1 ? totalRight - menuRight : -(menuWidth + parentWidth)) + 'px');

                                        var windowHeight = $w.height(),
                                                offsetTop = $u.offset().top,
                                                menuHeight = $u.height(),
                                                baseline = windowHeight + 
                                        var expandUp = (offsetTop + menuHeight 
> baseline);
                                        if (expandUp) {
                                                $u.css('margin-top',baseline - 
(menuHeight + offsetTop));

Looks like you were really close, but we need to treat the top-level items differently from the others.

I might have a little time this weekend to look at your z-index issues, too, but I need to get some paid work out of the way first. ;-) .

Karl Swedberg

On Jan 31, 2008, at 9:42 PM, Joel Birch wrote:


I'm honoured that you are getting some use out of Superfish.

I didn't want to give you more work so I just gave the horizontal
stuff a shot and I can't get it right. I just can't get my head around
all these similar sounding measurements! Would you be so kind...?  O:)

Here's where I got to, just for a giggle:

onBeforeShow = function(){
                var $u = $(this);
                var windowWidth = $w.width(),
                        offsetLeft = $u.offset().left,
                        menuWidth = $u.width(),
                        totalWidth = menuWidth + _offset('x'),
parentWidth = $u.parents('ul').width(); /*I've lost where to use this*/
                var expandLeft = (offsetLeft + menuWidth > totalWidth);
                if (expandLeft) {
                        $u.css('margin-left','-' + totalWidth - (menuWidth +
offsetLeft)+'px'); /*this ain't right*/

                var windowHeight = $w.height(),
                        offsetTop = $u.offset().top,
                        menuHeight = $u.height(),
                        baseline = windowHeight + _offset('y');
                var expandUp = (offsetTop + menuHeight > baseline);
                if (expandUp) {
                        $u.css('margin-top', baseline - (menuHeight + 

Many thanks,

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