
>Very nice plugin!
>I second Jorn's thought on the usage of both modes.  I found myself
>slightly confused at first when I went into keyboard mode and couldn't
>click on anything.  Seems to be an issue too when you click on the
>arrow, the menu is expanded and then you proceed to click on the white
>area that would normally trigger the keyboard mode.
>I know Safari wasn't in your list of supported browsers, but I did
>notice that the keyboard mode didn't seem to work correctly in Safari
>3.1 on OS X.  Safari has a fairly decent user base, especially amongst
>the jQuery crowd and I could see this as advantageous to you to get
>the plugin more circulated.
>All in all, excellent plugin - I will likely use it on a project of my

What about the keyboard functionality isn't working? Is it not working at
all, or just not working correctly?

Unfortunately capturing keyboard entry is really a PITA. It varies
drastically from browser-to-browser even on the same OS. It certainly does
not surprise me it's not working correctly on Mac Safari.

Obviously, if you find a fix, please let me know.


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