Awesome, I was just looking for such functionality recently. :)


Bohdan Ganicky

On Sep 2, 2:09 am, num <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My proof of concept
> I haven't yet seen html scrolling animation like this non-flash or
> flex. This is essentially an unreleased jquery plugin that you can
> attach to an already created table that will allow for sorting and
> pagination. The animation is sensitive to the page delta, i.e. it will
> scroll faster if you go from page 1 to 5 than from page 1 to 2. The
> core of the animation is really a queued style.display: ( 'none' ||
> '' ) and given the delay by hijacking the .animate() functionality as
> many have used in the past. It feels somewhat dirty but is easier than
> programming another whole setTimeout management layer for this.
> I put a bit of work on coding an intelligent sort that is similar to
> php's old natural sort (STRING_SORT) and is faster (as of some initial
> testing) than other implementations I've seen.
> I'm going to re-vamp the re-drawing of the table rows to make this
> faster considering how slow it currently is.. but the animation of the
> pagination is something I wanted to throw out there for some feedback.
> It's currently floating around 10KB un-minified and well commented
> Cheers

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