
Just plopped the current 0.1 version of the jQuery plugin code on my

I stress this is still very ALPHA and I'm going to be changing it a lot in
the very near term. But have at it if you want to use it now or tear it

I included the jTPS.css which is also required for this to work.

There are a couple background graphic assets which can be pulled from
http://www.overset.com/upload/jTPS/ as you need them.

Again, this is still very ALPHA and I'll be working very soon to get this as
cleanly packaged as possible.

Please do let me know if you find anything wrong with it!


On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 9:30 AM, faizal iqbaal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> this is awesome...when can i have it for my own implementation...:) i am
> dying to integrate it in my site
> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 12:16 PM, Jim Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Alexandre,
>> 1) Great point - I'm going to mess around with having more fixed
>> dimensions. Nothing is fixed vertically and I want to toy around with text
>> wrapping in an individual cell and see how that affects sizing and
>> animation.
>> 2) In the current iteration It seems 500 is the breaking point. The thing
>> that bogs it down is the traversal across the rows with get and set of the
>> cell contents. I want to find faster way to do this for the sake of speed.
>> The animation actually is fast with 500+ rows - it's just re-populating the
>> new sorted set of data. The natural sort itself is super fast - it's still
>> just this per-cell traversal and manipulation. I'll obviously need to sample
>> this on slower machines against all the browsers to guage the speed.
>> On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 11:09 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux <
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> very nice indeed !
>>> 1/ when going to the last page, the table height adapts to the number of
>>> rows. It would be better that the table height does not vary i think
>>> 2/ What's the maximum amount of rows do you think it is safe to work
>>> with? I suppose beyond a certain level, the table will feel unresponsive
>>> thanks for sharing !
>>> Alexandre Plennevaux
>>> LAb[au]
>>> http://www.lab-au.com
>>> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:09 AM, num <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> My proof of concept
>>>> http://www.overset.com/2008/08/30/animated-sortable-datagrid-jquery-plugin-jtps/
>>>> I haven't yet seen html scrolling animation like this non-flash or
>>>> flex. This is essentially an unreleased jquery plugin that you can
>>>> attach to an already created table that will allow for sorting and
>>>> pagination. The animation is sensitive to the page delta, i.e. it will
>>>> scroll faster if you go from page 1 to 5 than from page 1 to 2. The
>>>> core of the animation is really a queued style.display: ( 'none' ||
>>>> '' ) and given the delay by hijacking the .animate() functionality as
>>>> many have used in the past. It feels somewhat dirty but is easier than
>>>> programming another whole setTimeout management layer for this.
>>>> I put a bit of work on coding an intelligent sort that is similar to
>>>> php's old natural sort (STRING_SORT) and is faster (as of some initial
>>>> testing) than other implementations I've seen.
>>>> I'm going to re-vamp the re-drawing of the table rows to make this
>>>> faster considering how slow it currently is.. but the animation of the
>>>> pagination is something I wanted to throw out there for some feedback.
>>>> It's currently floating around 10KB un-minified and well commented
>>>> Cheers
>> --
>> Jim Palmer ! [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> Thanks & Regards
> Faizal
> (001)919 889 1980
> when nothing works , prayer does.
> >

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