this is awesome...when can i have it for my own implementation...:) i am
dying to integrate it in my site

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 12:16 PM, Jim Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Alexandre,
> 1) Great point - I'm going to mess around with having more fixed
> dimensions. Nothing is fixed vertically and I want to toy around with text
> wrapping in an individual cell and see how that affects sizing and
> animation.
> 2) In the current iteration It seems 500 is the breaking point. The thing
> that bogs it down is the traversal across the rows with get and set of the
> cell contents. I want to find faster way to do this for the sake of speed.
> The animation actually is fast with 500+ rows - it's just re-populating the
> new sorted set of data. The natural sort itself is super fast - it's still
> just this per-cell traversal and manipulation. I'll obviously need to sample
> this on slower machines against all the browsers to guage the speed.
> On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 11:09 PM, Alexandre Plennevaux <
>> very nice indeed !
>> 1/ when going to the last page, the table height adapts to the number of
>> rows. It would be better that the table height does not vary i think
>> 2/ What's the maximum amount of rows do you think it is safe to work with?
>> I suppose beyond a certain level, the table will feel unresponsive
>> thanks for sharing !
>> Alexandre Plennevaux
>> LAb[au]
>> On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:09 AM, num <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> My proof of concept
>>> I haven't yet seen html scrolling animation like this non-flash or
>>> flex. This is essentially an unreleased jquery plugin that you can
>>> attach to an already created table that will allow for sorting and
>>> pagination. The animation is sensitive to the page delta, i.e. it will
>>> scroll faster if you go from page 1 to 5 than from page 1 to 2. The
>>> core of the animation is really a queued style.display: ( 'none' ||
>>> '' ) and given the delay by hijacking the .animate() functionality as
>>> many have used in the past. It feels somewhat dirty but is easier than
>>> programming another whole setTimeout management layer for this.
>>> I put a bit of work on coding an intelligent sort that is similar to
>>> php's old natural sort (STRING_SORT) and is faster (as of some initial
>>> testing) than other implementations I've seen.
>>> I'm going to re-vamp the re-drawing of the table rows to make this
>>> faster considering how slow it currently is.. but the animation of the
>>> pagination is something I wanted to throw out there for some feedback.
>>> It's currently floating around 10KB un-minified and well commented
>>> Cheers
> --
> Jim Palmer ! [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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