The document ready function in 1.2.6 was updated to wait on styles. This is
a good thing sometimes but other times it causes said flickers. On a few
recent projects I packaged up the old ready function as domready so that I
could avoid the flickers. You can find the code here:
You can use it just like you use ready but instead of ready it is domready.

$(document).domready(function() { ... });

I'd also like to make mention that it would be good practice to add a class
to the body to signify that JS is enabled. Then use CSS to handle the
display when JS is enabled.

$(document).domready(funciton() {
    $('body').addClass('jsEnabled'); // let css know js is enabled

Now in CSS you can just say:

body.jsEnabled p.firstparagraph { display: none; }

Brandon Aaron

On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 7:11 PM, John D. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been running into the same problem with the following:
>  $(document).ready(function() {
>   $('p.firstparagraph').hide()
>   $('#hideh1').click(function(){
>     $('p.firstparagraph').hide(200);
>   });
>   $('#showh1').click(function(){
>     $('p.firstparagraph').show(200);
>   });
>  });
> p.firstparagraph is displaying briefly before the page has completely
> loaded. I was under the impression that  $(document).ready(function()
> executed before the page was output for display.
> style="display:none" has been suggested on some websites but is
> inaccessible for users with javascript disabled.
> Any help understanding what is going on is appreciated.
> Thanks!
> John
> On Oct 6, 3:08 pm, Nabha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I love jQuery, but I have a question about something I see it doing:
> >
> > Content that it is hiding or moving often appears in its original
> > position *before* it is hidden by jQuery. Is there any good,
> > accessible way around this?
> >
> > You can see the effect in action on a page like this:
> >
> > Extra content shows up, and is hidden. Sometimes I imagine this kind
> > of thing would be a little jarring for the average user.
> >
> > Thanks!

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