I'd like to second that. Without taking anything away from John's work in
creating the library or the work of any of the other contributors, Ariel is
truly one of the unsung heros of the project today.

Just a note to Bob who asked about the pace of development: Don't take
offense at Ariel's comments! Anyone who works as hard as he does is entitled
to let off a little steam once in a while. :-)

Personally, I think it was entirely appropriate to ask about it in this
public forum. I'm sure many other people have wondered the same thing. After
all, it has been quite a long time since the last public release.

Asking here gives Ariel and other team members a chance to comment about it,
and it also provides a chance to put out the word: This is an Open Source
project. Want to help out? :-)



> From: Jeffrey Kretz
> Ariel, I'm sure this isn't said enough, but I wanted to thank 
> you for the work you've done on the system.
> I've been working overtime (like 90 hour a week) for the last 
> 2 months on a major project with a killer deadline, and I 
> would be completely screwed without the work you (and the 
> rest of the team) has done on jQuery and jQuery UI.
> Working on an open-source project can sometimes be a 
> thankless job, but on behalf of everyone here on my team:
> Thanks for all of your hard work.
> JK

> From: Ariel Flesler
> I'd simply check the trac to see if development halted, 
> instead of asking it publicly in such a challenging way.
> http://dev.jquery.com/report/28
> I've been working pretty hard all this time, closing millions 
> of tickets (sadly most of them invalid).
> And while I do understand your request, I don't think you 
> used the right place and words to ask it.
> Needless to say, I'm considerably offended by your post, I 
> think it reduces the hard work to nothing.
> IMO, it'd had been appropriate to post this to the jquery-dev 
> group, or even ask a core member by email.
> Finally, if you're really into improving jQuery, this is how:
>   http://dev.jquery.com/newticket
> --
> Ariel Flesler
> http://flesler.blogspot.com/
> On Nov 26, 12:53 pm, Bob den Otter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > There hasn't been a jQuery update in what seems like ages, 
> and jQuery 
> > UI
> > 1.6 will be released 'in the next few days' since somewhere in 
> > september.  I know John has been really busy with a lot of great 
> > things, but it seems to me like the development of jquery has 
> > seriously lagged the last few months.
> >
> > As a small example: there isn't even a way to detect chrome in the 
> > official jquery builds yet, and chrome has been out for 
> several months
> now.
> >
> > I'm afraid that the lack of updates will eventually have a negative 
> > impact on the great Query community, causing people to 
> leave for other 
> > js frameworks. I sincerely hope not, but i _am_ worried about it.
> >
> > Best, Bob.

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