The plugins are being loaded. When I open the source code and click on
the js url, it opens alright....
But when I call the command:


An error message appears saying that pluginFunction is not a
function... on ALL plugins...

On Nov 27, 12:45 pm, Brett Ritter <> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 5:55 AM,Paulodemoc<> wrote:
> > Its the javasscript on the php page, and the only php there is to
> > output the urls, and these urls are being printed correctly....
> > The url doesn't affect the understanding of the rest of the code...
> If your plugins aren't loading, those URLs are quite likely involved.
> We have no way of knowing if they are indeed working since we don't
> see the output.
> Try sending the HTML the browser is getting.
> --
> Brett Ritter / SwiftOne

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