On 2/3/11, Ryan Grove <r...@wonko.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 7:45 PM, Garrett Smith <dhtmlkitc...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui2/ticket/1922892
>> Patched that myself too.
> I can't speak for anyone else, but the insulting tone you used in the
> comment on this ticket can't have helped your chances of convincing
> anyone that it shouldn't have been closed.
>>  `waitForCondition` was not implemented but instead marked "FUTURE"
>> and then WONTFIX. It's a pretty useful feature so I patched it into
>> the copy of YUI that I was using (not the one on GitHub) and I also
>> added it to my own unit testing framework.
>> http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui2/ticket/2528872
> Looks like it was recently moved to the new ticket queue for the
> standalone version of YUI Test, so the old ticket was closed. The new
> ticket is still open and targeted for a future release:
> http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yuitest/ticket/6
> Out of the other tickets you linked, I don't see anything that I'd
> consider a significant or blocking issue. I can sympathize with being
> unhappy when tickets you've filed aren't resolved to your
> satisfaction, but when you told Chris you had "filed well over a dozen
> bugs" on YUI, the implication seemed to be that they were more serious
> than these.
The bugs like not setting pageX are not serious? COme on did you read
the comments I wrote? That explains the importance.

And what about calling focus() on the iframe throwing errors in IE? Of
course it's totally unusable if you can't call focus() because it
fails worngly. I forgot how but it either stopped the entire suite or
it caused a false failure on the test.

And why did I patch it? Jeez you act like I'm nitpicking and taking
potshots. Grow up. I used YUI Test a lot it was the best test
framework I could find at the time. Sure I gave Nickolas a lot of
feedback in personal emails. I eventually got the drift that he didn't
like me. Maybe you guys are firends or something, huh?

>> I only used YUI Test and I only recall testing and patching those
>> parts. I really don't know about the very broken parts of YUI.
> Earlier in this thread, you wrote "I haven't found a library that I
> can say was even mediocre. I began using YUI in 2006, before reviewing
> it. We had a lot of bugs and many related to YUI that just took a lot
> of time to debug."
> If you've only used YUI Test, then were you only referring to YUI Test
> when you wrote that?
YUI Test depends on YUI and I recall it was calling one of the methods
of YUI like "isDefined" or something that was akin to the Goog.isDef
function "bad" example in the code guidelines doc.

Plus I used YUI when I was at Yahoo, just before I made the mistake of
paying a visit to Trang's house and then whoops, oh no, got me fired
:-(. A double disappointment (and I am not referring to the version of
YUI I used). The manager of the team had chosen YUI in total ignorance
and for the silliest rasosn (this is YAHOO, so we must use YUI). We
had a ton of bugs in that code and the most disgusting of which came
from our own team. Choosing YUI did not improve our code it a manager
decision and he had no clue about FE Eng so not a well informed
decision. That code was among the worst code I have worked on in my

Often front end decisions come down to manager making a decision on
which library to choose or which library user to hire; not about
asking somebody to write a little widget and then reviewing that code
and never about asking teh candidate to review a pieve of the
company's code.

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