On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 9:35 AM, Garrett Smith <dhtmlkitc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> And I've filed well over a dozen bugs on YUI. I've submitted patches
> and even forked YUI so that I could help with that (my Github username
> is GarrettS) YUI bugs didn't get fixed. I've gone into more detail
> about that on this very list.

Which bugs have you filed? I'll happily review them if you feel they
haven't gotten appropriate attention. I only see two tickets from you
in the system, both enhancements. I could be searching for the wrong
usernames, though.


Your GitHub account contains a (very broken) fork of YUI 2 with only
three commits: two are enhancements, and the third is apparently every
other file in the entire source tree.


- Ryan

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