For some unknown reason this title reminds me of Marlon Brando
        in "Apocalypse Now!" ...


        Let me try and clarify, JSP HAS AT LEAST TWO DISTINCT DESIGN CENTRES:

        1) a Scriptlet-centric design, where content and computation are
           computuation is achieved using Beans and Scriptlets.

        2) a Tag-centric design, where content and computation are separated,
           computuation is abstracted into custom tags, this is a declarative
           (this also is very convenient when moving to an XML-centric view of

        We tried *very* hard to complete a design for the custom/extension tag
        mechanism for JSP 1.0, but our first attempt was too complex, and only
        understandable by old UNIX C Compiler hackers like ourselves, our
        design in JSP1.1 (which we are already well underway with) will allow
        to develop their own sets ot tags and have those be portable between
        engines and tools.

        In light of the addition of this facility in 1.1, and given some grave
        concerns regarding the 0.92 tag semantics, we reluctantly removed those
        features from 1.0.

        As some of you have pointed out, JSP 1.0 does provide a mechanism for
        implementations to declare their own custom tags (alhtough these are
        not portable in 1.0, vendors are aware of 1.1 and have been encouraged
        to design their extensions with portability in mind).

        We can hope that some of the JSP vendors are wtaching this list and
        will take note of your concerns and provide these tags as custom
        extensions. Reinstating them into the 1.0 spec is not the right long
        term solution ...

        Hope this helps

        - Larry Cable

 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Mail: Laurence P. G. Cable,
                                               Java Software,
                                               Sun Microsystems Inc.,
                                               Mailstop UCUP02-201,
 Phone : 408-343-1776 (x51776)                 901 San Antonio Road
 Fax   : 408-863-3195                          Palo Alto CA 94043.

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