Daniel Kirkdorffer wrote:
>I think we all need to stand back and take a deep breath for a second...
>Ok that's good enough! :^)
>One thing that I haven't seen brought up is that the Java code one would
>write in scriplets is hardly different than Javascript any HTML UI person
>worth hiring would be able to whip together.

Not to beat a dead horse, but... :)

Actually, I can think of at least one major difference between JavaScript
and JSP scriptlets that I think is significant to the current debate.
Specifically, JavaScript scripts must be completely contained within the
bounding <SCRIPT> tags. As examples such as the one on page 51 of the 1.0
spec show, JSP scriptlets can be extended across <% ... %> boundaries, with
opened Java delimiters in one scriptlet matching up with closing delimiters
in a later scriptlet. IMHO, this introduces a significant maintenance
problem, and is sufficiently different from the way JavaScript works that
it could be quite confusing to an HTML UI person. In JavaScript, to control
the HTML content I have to use document.write(). With JSP, I can put raw
HTML between a couple of scriptlets and, depending upon the scriptlet, that
raw HTML may or may not show up in the delivered page.

- Mark

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