On Mon, 10 May 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >
> > I think this is the final argument that wins many of the problems people
> > have posted here.  There has been a thread concerning whether to provide
> > thread-safe abilities into the servlet engine for sessioning; I think we
> > should, especially if non-programmers are the ones using JSP; they
> > shouldn't have to understand difficult thread models to use our beans in
> > their JSP code!  Another long-standing thread concerns scriptlets vs.
> > tags;
> > I think tags wins out for non-programming users.
>       We agree hence the tag extension mechanism we will add in JSP 1.1
>       will allow users to develop libraries of custom tags that will be
>       portable between JSP engines and tools ...
> > There has also
> > been discussion of how embedded properties (i.e.
> > somebean:someproperty:another property) should be kept.  I think they
> > should, since they are easier than using scriptlets for non-programmers.
> > By the way, why were embedded bean properties dropped for the 1.0 spec?
> > Are you guys working on a better way of doing this for 1.1?
> >
>       Unfortunately we are opposed to the concept of embedded properties,
>       they don't exist in JavaBeans, and exposing a new syntax seems
>       redundant ... tools support can hide the java code ... so it
>       does'nt seem necessary ...

The nice thing about embedded properties is that it this is the same way
that the Document Object Model (DOM) works with properties.  I do alot of
Dynamic HTML work using JavaScript and the DOM, and like having the same
model on the server.  Even though embedded properties "technically"
violates good object-oriented encapsulation, it makes for much more
readable and createable code.  For example, tell me which is more

>       Rgds
>        - Larry Cable
> --
>  E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Mail: Laurence P. G. Cable,
>                                              Java Software,
>                                              Sun Microsystems Inc.,
>                                              Mailstop UCUP02-201,
>  Phone : 408-343-1776 (x51776)                       901 San Antonio Road
>  Fax   : 408-863-3195                        Palo Alto CA 94043.

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