TK Sung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:

> >On the other hand, one of the stated aims of JSP was to separate
> >presentation from content, in order to allow HTML people
> >(non-programmers by assumption) to do the presentation while
> >the programmers create the content.

> I agree with the first half of this sentence, but I'm not sure about
> the second.  I don't think non-programmers can/want to write raw
> scripts, no matter how accomodating the language is. Those
> non-programmers are probably using some IDE tools to
> create the HTML content rather than writing raw HTML code.
> If that is the case, then one could argue than IDE tools
> should hide the syntactic chores of JSP, rather than requiring the
> language itself to accomodate those non-programmers.

I'm arguing that non-programmers should NOT write raw scripts, so we
agree on that point :)

However, a HTML developer ought to be able - if pressed - to do their
job with just a text editor.  That means they understand what the tools
they are using do.  The tools are certainly more convenient and save a
lot of time, but fundamentally don't do anything more powerful than can
be done by a determined developer with a lot of free time :)  If that
argument is accepted, it means that JSP should provide HTML developers
with something they can understand.  Additionally, if we agree about not
having HTML developers write scriptlets, that means a non-scriptlet
alternative is required.


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