Jason Hunter wrote:
> > I still don't get it. Any real developer is going to know there are
> > options anyway, because they should be following the trade rags,
> > the web logs, and the free code sites.
> And they'll be reading Servlets.com.  :-)

I'm sure they will. Probably the most valuable resource you have
provided to the community is the O'Reilly multipart response
objects. I still don't understand why Sun doesn't package something
like this as standard given that other systems, such as
CGI.pm (Perl), and PhP have had it for a long time.

Keep writing servlet utilities :) (not WebMacro extensions ;))

> > Template systems are trivial to write and are a weekend project
> > for anyone with basic parser experience.
> You're saying you could write a tool like WebMacro in a weekend?
> There are more smarts in the tool than you realize.

I'm not bragging, but I'm sure I could do it, because I have done it.
I have written atleast 3 template systems (ExtendedHTML, Jacquard TML
[template markup language], and an XML system I am using right now.
One of them, Jacquard, which I wrote for my former employer back in
'97, took me only 16 hours from the time I started writing the JavaCC
code, until I had my first template running a test harness, complete
with Taglets for IF, DBQUERY, and FOREACH. And ofcourse, if had a
fully functionality expression evaluator with proper precedence, macros,
local vs global variables, etc. And it ran from Java servlets too.

Basically, the steps are simple:

1) design and write objects for parse nodes,
   and objects to represent LHS and RHS expressions and

2) write parser generator (JavaCC or ANTLR)
3) write evaluator
4) write core library objects/taglets (minimum: if, for,
  and access to CGI)

Steps #1 and #3 are the most work.

I wouldn't say it was as polished or clean as WM, and it
certainly has zero documentation in the code, but it
worked. I'll send it to you if you want to look it at,
although it's not for release, simply because I deem it to
be buggy and unfinished for general use.


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