Hi everyone,

I'm writing a module in JSP that will be an add-in for an existing web
application.  The existing application uses Domino /R5 to serve up the
pages.  Has anyone had any experience with getting Domino to serve up JSPs?
I've read that it is possible, but our ISP was not able to successfully get
this to work in the past.

I'm thinking that I might need to get Tomcat to serve up the JSPs and just
link to the module from the Domino app.  This will make authentication a
nuisance, because the area it'll be linked from is password protected, and I
don't want users to have to log in twice since, to them, it will seem that
they are within the confines of the same application and shouldn't be forced
to log in again to access this module.

Any suggestions/advice/words of wise experience regarding this issue?  The
module will be accessing a MySQL database to pull information required for
the JSP module, but the users will login through the Domino part of the

Thanks in advance for any input.


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