Josh wrote:
>   I'm considering using Flex for a project.  What are the 
> terms of this 'free Single CPU' license?  If its free why 
> don't I just get another free one for another CPU?

My understanding of the license is that you can run one App on one
machine with One CPU. It forbids running the same app on many machines
(ex. kiosks or clustered). 

Actually...that's not quite the full story.

You *can* run the same app on a cluster/kiosk...if it does *not* use the
Flex Express Data Services component. If you just have a Flex/Flash file
that's connectig to basic HTTP-based web services... you can run it with
as much load as you wish.

Flex Data Services Express is the server component that provides
declarative security, a binary RMI with auto marshalling/serializaing of
objects, auto-conversion between Java and Actionscript objects,
proxy-whitelists, and more. 

I'm betting the assumption by Adobe is that folks will try raw free Flex
and like it. Then they will try free FDSE and like that more, and
eventually need to scale up and spend $20K/CPU for the Enterprise
version. If that works or not...time will tell.


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