
  some valid points here...

--- Steven Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So what does the matrix look like?
> In terms of reusable components Flex/Laszlo are
> ahead of AJAX although
> libraries like Dojo and Scriptaculous not to mention
> the whole OO revolution
> in Javascript (GWT and Yahoo) is quickly closing
> this gap.  One thing to
> consider it that Flex is not open source so if you
> find a bug or need
> customization your options are limited.  This is why
> I prefer Laszlo.
> For those that need multimedia Flash is a great
> client for streaming media
> and vector animation.  BUT Flex/Laszlo does not
> include a streaming media
> server and the Flash Media Server is an expensive
> addition.

>  You don't need
> FMS for streaming media to the client but
> Adobe/Macromedia likes you to
> think you do.

  They claim that using HTTP streaming effects the
quality of the video in some way.  Have you
experienced this?  I know that Adobe would have some
serious problems by introducing incompatibilities at
that level.

> At this time AJAX uses HTTP 1.0 persistent
> connections and/or polling
> schemes informally known as Comet but nothing as
> robust as the RTMP/AMF
> protocol found in Flash.

  Is there any way to exploit the capabilities of
RTMP/AMF without an Adobe server-side product?  Are
there any easy ways use this protocol with server-side

> I do not deny that Flex is powerful platform and if
> you are going to build
> collaborative environments it is even more
> compelling.
> One final note is both AJAX and Flex ability to do
> mashups or access remote
> APIs via XML-RPC and REST.  If you were going to
> build a webapp which needed
> a Google map or YouTube video you should be able to
> do it in both (although
> I haven't tried a Google map in Flash).  This is the
> next frontier.

  I doubt that Flex will offer too many choices at the
client level for anything but Flash.  To me that is
the clear advantage of Laszlo, as it is a technology
clearly independent of Flash or Adobe.  I feel though,
that Flash is really going to dominate technology at
this level and all the different AJAX flavors will
play second fiddle to Flash apps.  Some announcements
suggest that Google shares this view.  Microsoft is
going to get squeezed because they have no opportunity
to replace Flash at the browser level, and may make
the mistake of trying to enter this market due to
their poor internal organization.  My primary concern
is that Laszlo will be blown out of the water by
Adobe.  Laszlo clearly runs the risk of having its
life support cut off, as it relies heavily on the
publication efforts of Adobe Inc.  I would sooner use
Laszlo if I had some insurance that it would survive
in the long term.

  thx, jmz

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