Josh wrote:
"From a Java perspective Laszlo still does appear more attractive. "

I disagree. 
>From a license standpoint, Flex 1.0 and 1.5 were certainly unattractive.
>From a "java" perspective -- my experience has been positive with Flex. 

For example, using the server component it takes only a configuration
setting to enable the client to call an unmodified POJO, pass
parameters, and use the returned object or collection of objects. It's a
slick way to leverage existing code.

>  In your professional opinion, which platform offers more for 
> ~20K budget?  ~50K?  ~100K?
It depends on the assessment of value for what is offered. If "open
source" is of utmost importance, then Flex provides no value. If
documentation, support, and speed of development are desired, then Flex
provides a fair bit of value.


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