2008/11/6 Donny A. Wijaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Kalau misalnya aplikasi elo cuma makai 5-10 table doang? kaya model
> blog, forum, atau store kecil2an? gue gak liat keuntungan makai
> hibernate disini... portability? kalau cuma makai standard ANSI sql
> juga otomatis portable antar database ^^
> anyway menurut pendapat gue saat tepat makai hibernate kalau develop
> aplikasi dari skala menengah ampai besar dan kalau bener2 projeknya
> dari 0 ^^

how can you guarantee the project will "stay still"?
i'm very familiar with management saying, "Make it quick, we only need
it temporarily",
only to find the system still used for years AND being added more and
more "small" features.
that small pet is now a huge beast. with spaghetti code, since the
original developer
thought "it's just a small app".

anyway, over engineering yields the same problem. companies paying
consultants know that :)

salam hangat,
Thomas Wiradikusuma
http://wiradikusuma.blogspot.com/2008/11/i-am-not-gay.html <-- IMPORTANT!

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