I've found a shapefile that has what JTS thinks is a topology error of
"overlapping shells".  In ESRI ArcMap it displays correctly as a shell
polygon with a hole, but in JUMP, it displays as overlapping polygons.  It
fails the QA "Basic Topology" test.  I have verified that the "hole" polygon
is not CCW (counter clockwise) and this is being interpreted as a shell by
the org.geotools.PolygonHandler.

It looks like another case where ESRI isn't following their own
specifications.  Any suggestions?  I don't like to "fix" customer's data
when it works fine in their ESRI system.

I'm considering modifying the PolygonHandler code to test all of the
polygons in a multipolygon shape to determine if they are completely inside,
and then reversing the point order to force CCW.  This might make shapefiles
read slightly slower.


Larry Becker

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