Michaël Michaud wrote:
> ... about the second point, as you know SFS a no one, you may have an 
> answer to the following question :
> why polylines may be made of lines sharing their boundaries
> and multipolygons cannot be made of polygons sharing their edges (if 
> that's what "shells can touch at any finite number of points" means)
That *is* what I meant by "shells can touch at any finite number of points".

I can't see into the minds of the standards authors, but speaking as a 
developer who has implemented the standard, the restriction on how 
polygon shells touch makes for nicer topological assumptions, and hence 
simpler code.  With this rule you can assume that all edges in polygon 
geometries are truly on the topological boundary - i.e that they divide 
the polygon interior from the exterior.  Without this assumption, you 
have to basically do a "dissolve" to remove "interior" edges before 
doing any further processing.

Polylines don't offer quite such a strong topological distinction (they 
don't divide the world into interior and exterior), so there aren't any 
unpleasant implications to just letting their linework "go anywhere it 
wants to".

There are other assumptions which SFS could have made to make processing 
simpler - such as enforcing an orientation for polygon rings.  But I 
guess they wanted to open the model up as much as reasonable, so as not 
to make a whole bunch of geometry invalid.  Although then they could 
have allowed "inverted" polygons (self-touching at a point - ArcSDE 
style) as well. 


Martin Davis
Senior Technical Architect
Refractions Research, Inc.
(250) 383-3022

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