Thanks for the quick answer, Martin.  I've made a mod to PolygonHandler in
SkyJUMP and committed my change.  You can browse it at:

My mod begins in read() at "// quick optimization:".  I used some of the
geotools 2.5 code to help with the update.  In essence, I do a check for
((shells.size()>1) && (holes.size()== 0)) before trying anything new to
minimize the impact of the change.  Then I call the shellsOverlap() method
which returns the index of the first shell that contains another.  I then
make the big assumption that all the rest are holes.  I think I can get away
with this because the assignHolesToShells() method converts any unassigned
holes back to shells.

I would appreciate any comments.

Larry Becker

On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 12:44 PM, Martin Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Ugh.
> Larry, I think your approach is probably what's necessary.  I would
> suggest NOT trying to do a JTS contains() to implement the "wholly
> inside" test - it would be very slow (although the new PreparedGeometry
> work would make it a lot faster - but it would still be slow).
> You might consider just check say 3 points of the ring to see if they
> are wholly inside - if so, assume it is a hole.  That should be a lot
> faster.
> Larry Becker wrote:
> > I've found a shapefile that has what JTS thinks is a topology error of
> > "overlapping shells".  In ESRI ArcMap it displays correctly as a shell
> > polygon with a hole, but in JUMP, it displays as overlapping
> > polygons.  It fails the QA "Basic Topology" test.  I have verified
> > that the "hole" polygon is not CCW (counter clockwise) and this is
> > being interpreted as a shell by the org.geotools.PolygonHandler.
> >
> > It looks like another case where ESRI isn't following their own
> > specifications.  Any suggestions?  I don't like to "fix" customer's
> > data when it works fine in their ESRI system.
> >
> > I'm considering modifying the PolygonHandler code to test all of the
> > polygons in a multipolygon shape to determine if they are completely
> > inside, and then reversing the point order to force CCW.  This might
> > make shapefiles read slightly slower.
> >
> > regards,
> >
> > Larry Becker
> >
> > --
> >
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> Martin Davis
> Senior Technical Architect
> Refractions Research, Inc.
> (250) 383-3022
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