The extension is using a java gps framework which can be found here
and should work as smoothly as in 2004 (at least I hope so) as soon as 
the serial input is brought back to life. Though there might  be 
problems with changes between jump 1.1.1 & the recent openjump... but 
I'll take care of that then.

Thanks so far.. ede
> Hello Edgar,
> I think it should be possible to spend You a mouse for the development of the 
> plugin. I will discuss it tomorrow in the team and give You soon a response.
> Two years ago we made some experiences gathering data from a gps receiver by 
> a quickly developed standalone java tool. maybe the source code could also 
> help you developing a gps plugin for OJ for realtime gps data import??
> Kindly regards
> Arnd 
>> good idea ..
>> maybe you (PIROL) or the guys from lat/lon (Andreas? are you reading 
>> me?) can spend a gps mouse for a month or so ...
>> how about it?
>> regards ede
>> --
>>> Hello Edgar,
>>> may be that I missunderstood what is needed...
>>> So, I want to ask if it is helpful when You get a receiver for Your 
>>> development from someone?
>>> Then it should be a receiver which could provide data in NMEA and also 
>>> SIRF protocol.
>>> Kindly regards
>>> Arnd
>>> Edgar Soldin schrieb:
>>>> Arnd Kielhorn wrote:
>>>>> Hello Edgar,
>>>>> does it make any differences what chipset the GPS receiver have, 
>>>>> when You only want to get the NMEA data from it???
>>>> it does when I have to spend my own private money ;) ... my point 
>>>> about it is just, if I consider a device it should be a fair trade of 
>>>> value vs. function.. I don't want it only to check the input.
>>>> But still: If  I don't have this device anybody knows of an easy way 
>>>> to send data to the serial device to doublecheck that its working 
>>>> with java? Maybe a nullmodem cable with a second pc sending out test 
>>>> data?
>>>>> But by the way, if using a SIRF chipset You have to look into the 
>>>>> manual if the reciever works with fix positions or if the receiver 
>>>>> gives only the calculated position. When You use SIRF dynamically 
>>>>> (e.g. with a car) it is not so critically when the GPS works with 
>>>>> fix position. But when You use it by feet (e.g. field mapping by 
>>>>> feet) You change You position very slowly and often only a little 
>>>>> bit, so You should not have a SIRF chipset in the receiver which 
>>>>> works with fix positions.
>>>> that's confusing .. sorry .. what is the exact difference between a 
>>>> _fixed_ and a _calculated_ position (isn't the position always 
>>>> _calculated_ from the satellite signals, at least is this what I 
>>>> researched for my thesis ;)
>>>>> So, from my point of view a GPS plugin should import the NMEA0183 
>>>>> raw data (by choosing COM/USB port and baud rate) and separate the 
>>>>> WGS84 position.
>>>> the GPS tracker so far works this way (see attached graphics)
>>>> - configure it under options
>>>> - enable the gps thread receiving from the gps device (1.)
>>>> - using a java gps library it can interpret nmea,sirf & garmin
>>>> - if the gps delivers a position you may find it in the status bar
>>>> - you can enable a tracking of one tasks viewport
>>>> - you can append points to existing features, or create new features 
>>>> by inserting points to a layer (2.)
>>>> for the screens I had setup java 1.4.2 with jump 1.1.1 to have the 
>>>> commapi working. I am not sure if OJ is still Java 4 capable?
>>>> as mentioned before.. I will research the current state of serial 
>>>> interfaces and sun java and update the corresponding code, to make it 
>>>> work under win32.. I don't have no schedule now .. but I will find 
>>>> some time.
>>>>> Receivers with SIRF II or III You can costs about 40 to 100 Euros. 
>>>>> E.g. HAICOM HI-204 [cabled] is a smart small reciever usable for car 
>>>>> navigation and also for field mapping. Accuracy: about 1 to 5 Meters
>>>> The german computer magazin c't regularly recommends the "SiRFstar 
>>>> III" because older chipsets consume more power and a not that 
>>>> sensitive. I just found an article from 2007. I don't have the 
>>>> experience so I am asking anybody to share their experience or third 
>>>> party test results.
>>>>> But for field mapping it is important to get gps position with high 
>>>>> accuracy. So You need a high end receiver for 1500 to 2500 Euros 
>>>>> (e.g. Satloc AgIQ or Hemisphere A100). They are working with 5 or 10 
>>>>> Hz, it means 5 or 10 times a second they calculate a position. And 
>>>>> they have an accuracy 20 to 40 centimeters. We mostly using such 
>>>>> kind of receivers in our project.
>>>>> I hope this informations are useful?!
>>>> they really are .. thanks alot Arndt
>>>> regards Ede
>>>>> Kindly regards
>>>>> Arnd
>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
>>>>>> Hallo Peppe,
>>>>>>> Hi Edgar,
>>>>>>> I always skipped the idea to buy a GPS. But probably
>>>>>>> this is the time: I saw handle GPS have become quite
>>>>>>> unexpensive for now, and mouse GPS even more! I will
>>>>>>> get one for my field job. And I will joy the test.
>>>>>>> 1) Any idea for a newby (as me) to buy a GPS?
>>>>>> no idea ... but I would also appreciate some shopping advice as 
>>>>>> developing against a real device would make things alot easier
>>>>>> @Arndt PIROL ... maybe you guys have an overview over the market?
>>>>>> All I know is that it should contain a Sirf III chipset, as this 
>>>>>> should be the best consumer gps chip.
>>>>>>> 2) As you wrote, the gps plugin needs to work together
>>>>>>> the crs plugin. This means that people have to write
>>>>>>> their own crs database (the cs.conf file) according
>>>>>>> the area they work. This is not complicate but not even simple. So:
>>>>>>> a) I invite the gps volunteers to read carefully the
>>>>>>> wiki page on how to configure/use  the cs.conf file
>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>> b) OR to write to the mail list  the CRS they want to
>>>>>>> work with, in order we configure the right cs.cong
>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>> -Note we can also limit the test between EPSG 4326
>>>>>>> (WGS 84 geografic 2D) and varius WGS84/UTM projections
>>>>>>> CRS (betweeen EPSG 32601 and EPSG 32760)-
>>>>>> Well.. it's not that the extension wouldn't work .. it'll just 
>>>>>> track in the reference system of the mouse.. with the device I 
>>>>>> developed it, this was WGS84, which I would expect as standard for 
>>>>>> GPS devices... but who knows .. anyone in the list maybe?
>>>>>>> 3) SS is working on a new CRS plugin (from deegree).
>>>>>>> It would be interesting to see what happens using gps
>>>>>>> with it.
>>>>>> If this CRS extension is released it should be possible to 
>>>>>> interface it ...
>>>>>> kind regards ede
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>> -- 
>> public class WhoDidIt{ // A comment. I love comments 
>>   private static Person sender;
>>   public static void main (String[] foo){
>>   sender = new Person();
>>   sender.setName(new String[]{"Edgar", "Soldin"});
>>   Address address = new Address();
>>   address.setStreet("Stadtweg 119");
>>   address.setZip(39116);
>>   address.setCity("Magdeburg");
>>   address.setCountry("Germany");
>>   sender.setAddress(address);
>>   sender.setMobilePhone(" +49(0)171-2782880 ");
>>   sender.setWebSiteUrl(" ");
>>   sender.setEmail(" [EMAIL PROTECTED] ");
>>   sender.setPGPPublicKey(" ");
>>   sender.setGender(true);
>>   System.out.println(sender.toString());
>>   }
>> }
>> _______________________________________________
>> jump-users mailing list

public class WhoDidIt{ // A comment. I love comments 
  private static Person sender;

  public static void main (String[] foo){

  sender = new Person();
  sender.setName(new String[]{"Edgar", "Soldin"});

  Address address = new Address();
  address.setStreet("Stadtweg 119");


  sender.setMobilePhone(" +49(0)171-2782880 ");
  sender.setWebSiteUrl(" ");
  sender.setEmail(" [EMAIL PROTECTED] ");
  sender.setPGPPublicKey(" ");


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